Birth to 3 Years

Jen Sekela has completed the TOTS: Tethered Oral Tissue Specialty Training, Feed The Peds Training, and Dr. Baxter’s Tongue Tie Academy, professional courses that educate clinicians on the latest research on treatment of tongue/lip ties, how to evaluate for the presence and impact of tongue and lip ties on function, and on implementation of a treatment plan both before and after a release procedure.  She routinely sees babies before and after tongue, lip and/or buccal release procedures for bodywork to facilitate release of body tension and promote nervous system regulation, oral motor training, parent education and active wound management to enable feeding success after the procedure has taken place.

We provide services to infants and toddlers (birth-3 years) who are experiencing difficulties with various areas of development. Some commonly seen conditions are torticollis, sensory concerns, plagiocephaly, developmental delays, muscle tone abnormalities, or difficulties with feeding.  Jen Sekela, OTR/L, our early intervention specialist, is highly skilled in helping infants and toddlers who present with oral motor difficulties, impacting breast/bottle feeding and eating solids. She helps infants and toddlers meet their developmental milestones through various play positions, educating parents on strategies to incorporate in their daily routine at home and addressing any underlying sensory processing difficulties.